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I can’t find the words to describe how the first week of training camp has been. And I feel like no matter how much I try to write nothing with do it justice! From showing up to a large crowd last Saturday with everyone’s parents and not having mine, to being adopted by some of my closest friend’s families (shout out to Mags and Ces’s fam!) during family based activities, made the transition so much better! The transition being: living in a different state, my home now being a tent, bucket laundry, our toilet situation being port-a-potties, having scheduled shower times, and anything outside of the time means a bucket shower. The first couple days were hard, I felt like I had a burden on my heart that made it super hard to connect with others and the Lord. The comparison is REAL! Being surrounded by 38 other people who love Jesus, and are all here for the same reason make the devil push extra hard to make you contemplate every little thing he can see you struggling with.

However, I can confidently say the past 3 days have been forever life changing. On Saturday, we had squad wars, and while our squad didn’t win with our rendition of “I Want It That Way” into “We Want It Your Way” the spirit that we all had, and encouragement shown to each other was beyond this world. Something only found in this type of community. That following night we had a revival worship night where we the Holy Spirit was so present, people praying over others, and looking around to see how each individual person is connecting with the Lord was not only beautiful but so pure. 

Last night, by far though, was the coolest experience so far. We had a short worship session which then turned into over 3 hours of people getting baptized. I learned that you can get baptized to show your faith in Jesus, but also get baptized for someone else in declaration. Funny story… the Lord works in crazy ways. I had no intention of getting baptized, I even told someone that. But when the pastor said that you can get baptized for someone else, someone very particular was put on my heart to give them healing, this particular person was my mom! For most of her life she’s struggled with clinical anxiety, depression, and stomach problems that doctors can’t figure out that have oftentimes immobilized her from experiencing the life she deserves. Sobbing my way through this encounter with the Lord, I pushed back. “I don’t have a change of clothes, and I don’t have a towel.” But I was quickly humbled when he reminded me I have a backpack full of stuff that I was going to use for a bucket shower (yes… you heard that right… a bucket shower. We do have regular showers, but on a specific schedule). At this point I knew what I needed to do. I switched into my pjs, grabbed my towel, and got in line… still sobbing. Emmery, one of the team leaders, prayed over me. When it was my turn I got in the big troph, told Bill (our squad leader), and Ari (one of the staff members) why I was getting baptized and that all I want is for my mom to be healed. They prayed with such intention, and all I could do was weap. I clearly remember Ari saying, “At 9:45pm your mom is going to experience something, healing in the name of Jesus Christ, set free from anxiety and depression.” When I came up I just felt a sense of relief that her struggles are now in Jesus’s hands. For the next 3 hours I witnessed people I do know and don’t know give their life to Christ or ask for something for someone else in Jesus’s name. 

The Lord has shown me so many things this past week, and been stretching me mentally, physically, and spiritually. And to think this is just the beginning is incredible. We aren’t even out of the country yet and our squad is already so bonded, and growing in their relationships with the Lord… the next 9 months are going to be CrAzY!! 

7 responses to “Just the beginning”

  1. I had goosebumps and fought back tears reading this.
    I am so grateful that God’s arms are so tightly wrapped around you.

  2. KJ, THIS is beautiful ❤️. Praying your prayer and healing for your Mom comes quickly. Loving you🌺

  3. Thank you for sharing all you are experiencing and how your journey is going. I’m so excited for you and to be able to experience this journey right along side you. We’ll be praying for you and all those you are working with and will be serving. I know He has great things planned for you!

  4. Katie, thank you for sharing, simply amazing! “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” Joshua 1:9 Praying for you and with you!